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Find out what happened on the first date, and if it's possible, or even a good idea, to go out on a second, on the Second Date Update!
Chuck tries to recover from a wild night with Adriene.
Andre was AN HOUR AND A HALF LATE for a surprise party for Julia and wants to make amends.
Heather says insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result. She also says she's never been on Second Date Update so here we go....
Miss Frito & Katy this morning? Hit play and enjoy the fun and laughter anytime!
Frito and Katy's full show for 12/04/24
Frito and Katy's full show for 12/03/24
Frito and Katy's full show for 12/02/24
Y100 connecting you with all your favorite Texas Country artists, powered by Thirsty Horse Saloon.
Texas Made Sunday Nights 8-10
Texas Made Sunday Nights 8-10
Texas Made Sunday Nights 8-10